What Is A High-Functioning Alcoholic? Know The Signs

It’s difficult to identify a high-functional alcoholic due to their view on the subject matter. It can lead to liver disease, pancreatitis, some forms of cancer, brain damage, serious memory loss, and high blood pressure. It also makes someone more likely to die in a car wreck or from murder or suicide. And any alcohol abuse raises the odds of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, andfetal alcohol syndrome. For the functional alcoholic, the denial runs deep, because they have yet to encounter significant negative consequences. The term “currently-functioning” may be used since it’s not likely they will remain functional indefinitely.

  • While these types of alcoholics may not struggle to hold down a job or maintain a relationship, long-term alcohol abuse will cause a range of health consequences.
  • Concealing how much alcohol is consumed, such as drinking before or after an event, sneaking alcohol when at an event where alcohol isn’t served, drinking by yourself, or hiding alcohol around the house.
  • For many individuals, drinking means moderating feelings and emotions to avoid negative ones.

Just because someone with an alcohol use disorder is functioning doesn’t mean they’re functioningwellor functioning in each aspect of their lives. Keep that idea in mind while you approach the topic of alcohol abuse and addiction. Essentially, a high-functioning alcoholic is a person who is addicted to alcohol but has yet to really suffer from the negative consequences of their drinking. A high-functioning alcoholic may experience some consequences related to their drinking, but they are not enough to limit their ability to maintain their responsibilities. Working alcoholics can still hold down a job and possibly excel in that job. They also tend to avoid legal and social repercussions of drinking, at least for a while.


High-functioning alcoholics are individuals who are able to maintain their careers, relationships, and other obligations while displaying signs of alcoholism. The same is true of high-functioning addicts or individuals who may suffer from high-functioning depression, anxiety or other mental health issues. Such individuals are able to maintain their day-to-day lives, and in many cases even thrive, yet exhibit symptoms of their respective addiction or mental health disorder. In each respective case, high-functioning individuals pose a variety of challenges with respect to recognition of a problem, seeking treatment, diagnosis, and recovery. Despite alcoholism being so prevalent, most individuals who drink too much are actually not alcohol dependent. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nine out of ten excessive drinkers are not alcohol dependent.

definition of a functioning alcoholic

Even though functional alcoholism might appear doable short-term, and long-term, it’s unsustainable. Furthermore, it’s also unsustainable to be in a relationship with a high-functioning alcoholic who doesn’t address their addiction and check into an alcohol and drug addiction rehab center. Often, husbands and wives are the sole parties aware of their spouse’s alcohol problems. Three major areas that one can use to find risk for addiction are biological, psychological, and environmental factors. These are factors that many do not recognize when taking a normal drink, yet can indicate the chances of future alcohol dependence. I did not know these risks, yet I was a high risk in all three areas.

What is a high functioning alcoholic?

It’s key that you stay fully honest in the relationship, so if they are hurting you, say so directly. It’s important to note that any amount of drinking can be detrimental to your health. Interestingly, it’s not uncommon for people to dismiss health concerns over alcohol consumption. For one, alcohol is deeply ingrained into societal norms and is a favorite pastime for most Americans. Secondly, many will overlook signs of alcoholism if the individual can balance life obligations with drinking.

Many individuals who fit the stereotypes of an alcoholic have already hit what we call a rock bottom, meaning they have lost a great deal in their lives which creates a sense of desperation. HFAs have often experienced success in many areas of their life. This creates resistance against the idea that the way they are facing a possible drinking problem isn’t working. This is where, as a professional, we must show the different layers of the individual until they are open to change. Even though HFAs experience consequences for their lifestyle, these have not overcome denial. The biological effects on the brain and memory have already been affected by drinking.

For this reason, it is hard to determine exactly how many people might have high-functioning AUD. Breaking personal commitment because of their drinking habits. If you are concerned about your loved one’s drinking, it can be helpful to join a support group such as Al-Anon. Such groups can offer valuable support, encouragement, advice, and information. In the short term, alcohol use increases the risk for alcohol poisoning, fetal alcohol syndrome, accidents, injuries, violence, and risky sexual behavior.

definition of a functioning alcoholic

An individual can be a highly successful traderandan alcohol addict. Another sign of a functioning alcoholic is someone who may abstain from drinking throughout the week, but then binge drink on the weekends or binge drink at night after their work is done. During codependency, the partner might begin to neglect their happiness because they are so concerned about their partner. When a person is dating a functional alcoholic, they must take care of their happiness and health. Also, if the partner has refused to seek help, it’s imperative to take an insightful look at the relationship’s future. While in social settings, the high-functioning alcoholics could be social and outgoing, behind closed doors, they want to be alone and drink.

As tolerance builds, an increased risk of developing alcohol addiction becomes a very real concern. Family members of functional alcoholics need to be careful not to become codependent on their loved one. Codependence refers to helping another person to an extent that you experience health or social problems. People who are codependent on a functional eco sober house price alcoholic may miss work or time with their family because they’re preoccupied with hiding the fact that their loved one is an alcoholic. It’s never too late to seek help for alcoholism and addiction. Left unmanaged, compulsive drinking behaviors can get progressively worse, with their negative impact on your life becoming ever more apparent.

High functioning alcoholic

This article explores the meaning of the term high functioning alcoholic, looks at the signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder , how people can help friends and family, and more. A high functioning alcoholic is an informal term that refers to someone who appears to maintain a successful professional and personal life while drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Drinking is often covert, and the https://rehabliving.net/ person may deny they have any issue with their drinking. Unfortunately, being in denial or lack of support from family and friends often prevents high-functioning alcoholics from seeking treatment. While it’s treatable, Alcohol Use Disorder is one of the most challenging addictions to overcome and is responsible for being one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States.

definition of a functioning alcoholic

For example, a computed tomography scan tests for liver enlargement, which can occur after years of chronic drinking. Your doctor may order this test if your blood tests indicate abnormal liver functioning. Their professional and social engagements would hide the underlying problem, and the prefix “functioning” would make it impossible for anyone to spot it and offer help. If they are a functioning alcoholic, which means that they can function in all areas of life, you shouldn’t worry, right? Before answering that question, we need to define a functioning alcoholic. Functional alcoholics are tense and temperamental due to the after-effects of liquor and having to hide the need to drink.

Is it Possible to Effect Change When a Loved One Has an Addiction?

If you have AUD but are not connected with treatment, the risk of progressing to more severe AUD is much greater. For some people, AUD may also mean more than physical dependence, but a stress reliever or source of psychological escape. Although you might not hit all the criteria for the condition, and the impact on your life may appear minimal, AUD is a chronic and progressive condition. This means the negative impact on your life will likely grow, and the condition will not get better on its own without treatment.

Since alcohol is a depressant, the individual is essentially using it to dull the senses. If it starts as a couple of drinks a night to take the edge off could start as a serious alcohol dependency. Another sign that you’re dating a functional alcoholic is they might ask you if they can borrow some money.

The American Psychiatric Association classifies substances use disorders as mild, moderate or severe. But mild and moderate cases may be more common, affecting millions across the country. We understand what you’re going through because we’ve been there. Even though we never see Sarah sober, it doesn’t get in the way of her life.

Alcohol withdrawal can produce a withdrawal effect known as delirium tremens that can prove life-threatening. Detox under medical supervision is a safer and more effective option than attempting to detox without help. If you’re ready to seek treatment for alcoholism or would like to know more about your treatment options, American Addiction Centers can help. AAC is the parent company of Alcohol.org and is a nationwide provider of treatment facilities focused on providing hope and recovery for those in need.

The idea of an “alcoholic” is one that is surrounded by stigma. This individual is one who steals, lies, and has no cares of others and their own well-being. Remember, we are seeing the world through a perception that has been distorted and the identity that follows. Binge drinking and heavy drinking in the United States account for 23% of adult population drinking behaviors. In particular, high-functioning alcoholism contributes to risky behavior among drinkers and, thus, they are more susceptible to face medical or legal risks.

The side effects might not catch up to them until old age, when chronic alcohol abuse takes its toll on their liver, heart and brain. People suffering fromalcohol addictiondon’t always hit rock bottom. Many alcoholics keep their addiction secret and believe they control how much they consume. Harnessing science, love and the wisdom of lived experience, we are a force of healing and hope ​​​​​​​for individuals, families and communities affected by substance use and mental health conditions. Express an openness to talk about their drinking, provide support and establish boundaries.

Suggesting that one is alcoholic is suggestive that one fits into a one-size-fits-all demographic, which stereotypically conjures up images of a low-functioning individual. The truth is that alcoholism is not a one-size-fits-all epidemic, and it looks different for every individual. Mental health professionals and addiction clinicians prefer to use the term alcohol abuse than alcoholism. Clinically, for an individual to be diagnosed with alcohol abuse disorder they must meet certain criteria, or in other words, they must display certain symptoms. Furthermore, alcohol use disorder is classified by severity as mild , moderate , or severe .

Again, this type of behavior is hard to pick up on, but keep an eye out for any unexpected changes to your loved one’s routine, especially if they tend to be absent for extended spells. Even if you notice someone drinking moderately at totally inappropriate times – first thing in the morning, for instance – this could be an early warning sign of a building problem. The fact the person is concealing the amount they drink is enough to suggest there could be a problem. Pointing this out often results in either outright denial or an indignant and angry reaction. There are definite patterns and behaviors that indicate a growing addiction.

So, don’t bail them out of jail, pick up the bar tab they’re unable to cover or pay their traffic violations. This might seem harsh, but you must take strict measures when with a functional alcoholic. Whether it’s a small office get-together or a night out, this person will use any excuse or occasion to drink.

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